The "KINSAN Festival"

The village is considered as a fishing place. Every year in June, they celebrate the famous "Kinsan Festival", named after a fish that is usually abundant in months of May to July. It was believed that the town is named after that fish called "KINSAN". Since then, the place was called "KINSAN". 

 Another local lore explained the etymology of the name. During early days, the Spanish authorities traveled around the newly-colonized island, making friends with the natives and asking the name of the place.

One soldier happened to pass the place and was eager to known the place. He asked the fisherman, “Como se llama este lugar?” which literally translates into “What is the name of the place?” Thinking the Spanish was asking about the kind of fish he was bringing, the fisherman answered, “kinsan”.

Not clearly stated, the Spanish again asked the question. The fisherman, who was selling kinsan, was carrying the basket with the head of the fish as he already sold the other parts and answered, “Ulo sa Kinsan” or “Head of Kinsan”. As years passed, Ulo sa Kinsan eventually evolved into “Aloguinsan”.

The festival showcases local talents performing original dance steps in this street dancing competition and ritual showdown. The colorful costumes and movements imitate the movements of the fish and how folks live life in everyday basis.

The town fiesta is celebrated every 23rd & 24 October in honor of St. Raphael the Archangel. Unlike other towns, whose festivals are in cognizance to the feast days of their patron saints, Aloguinsan has its own reason why Kinsan Festival is not held simultaneously with the its fiesta celebration. The town observes the feast day every October but celebrates Kinsan Festival in the second Sunday of June because March to June are Kinsan season.


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